Mental Health Calendar
Each year we officially launch a Gippsland Jersey farmer calendar (before anyone jumps to any fancy conclusions... no, it’s not a nude one 😜)
12 very brave Gippsland dairy farmers step outside their comfort zone and allow us to share their personal health story. This calendar serves as a starting point towards breaking down the stigma attached to mental health in our rural communities.
Our wish is that the calendar prompts honest and real conversations about a health issue that often we feel ashamed or embarrassed about.
Calendars get distributed to all dairy farms in Gippsland with thanks to the help of the major milk companies and used as a tool for any farmer suffering mental health struggles. The calendar includes help numbers to health services available and lived testimonies. Through speaking to many Gippsland farmers over the years, we have found that most dairy farmers don’t know where to get help despite lots of government money being put into rural mental health services. Nothing beats boots on the ground type stuff!
If this calendar can save one life we’ve achieved something 👊🏻
Thank you to Connect Well for their support in making this project possible.
Media articles
The Southern Farmer - Sallie is milking for mental health
National Farm Online - Leading change with a dash of kindness
Dairy News Australia - Gippsland Calendar crew has a message to share
Pakenham News - Passion from pain
Gippsland Lakes Complete Health - Launching the hand that feeds you
The Weekly Times - Shine Awards 2017: Jersey milk gives it a shake